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Logbook 7&8

Updated: May 27, 2023


Since the last lab, the project has moved to its final stage, where much of the work is on the “home stretch”. Almost all parts are being finalized or given a last touch, and these final weeks will be spent polishing everything to perfection.


  • Interview questions (Hanna, Axel)

  • Email for approval (Hanna, Axel, Julia, Anne-Sofie)

  • Finish CAD-modell (Hanna, Emil)

  • 3D print and finish the hardware (Hanna)

  • Deep Dive (Anne-Sofie, Hanna, Axel)

  • Photoshoot (All)

LAB ACTUAL PROCEDURE Anne-Sofie: Since the last logbook, I held the interview with a Researcher (David Reyner) together with Noa. We did a photoshoot with the whole group at Stenpiren. My main focus has been the deepdive and finding reliable sources. I went through, translated and summarized most of the interviews and contacted our Political interviewee to get our summary approved. I participated in all the group meetings and group discussions.

Axel: Since the last logbook, I booked an interview with the legal interviewee, and conducted said interview. I spent time developing text for the web page, and had a joint meeting with Emil and Julia, where we spent several hours developing concepts, and discussing the project in general. I also participated in a meeting with everyone, where much work was being done, and my focus was on finishing the two matrices for the industry deep dive, and assessing the risks and uncertainties. Besides this, I went out to purchase a bobber for the product, and a new recharger for the product. I also spent time looking for academic sources for the industry deep dive, and reading through them, and went to the library to find a particularly well suited source and read said book. We also had a joint meeting to take a group photograph by the harbour. Me and Hanna also wrote the layout for interview 7 with the researcher.

Julia: Since last logbook submission I had an interview with the owner of a marina for the economic part in the PESTEL-analysis. We as a group went to Stenpiren to take group pictures for the website. I have done parts in discussing the matrix in the deepdive what is important for the boat industry. My main focus has been on the website and trying to create content about how to make an urgency. I have also been writing about our two different products, one which is a box where you order an already done TESS and the other one which one has to program and create oneself.

Emil: Since the last logbook submission I had an interview with the legal interviewee, and finalized the interview-doc. I have continued developing our website and working on how we should communicate our idea to said customer and making all pieces come together, creating relevant material used in the website. I have particularly spent very much time trying to visualize our two different product options and to make it clear what we mean, already at the landing page which has been a puzzle. I have spent some time trying to figure out how we should solve the engagement problem on the website where some work is left to do, but other than that I have worked on trying to make EVERYTHING of our website to feel like us and redesigning so the different (colors, pictures, words and design) match each other. In short, making sure the communication both visually and in words get out to the one scrolling the website. I, together with Julia created a couple of different Posters ideas trying to express us in colors, pictures and words. Since Last Logbook submission I also did construct a rough pitch to the next pitch 2 session.

Hanna: Since the last logbook, a lot of things have happened with the project. I have spent a great amount of time designing and producing the actual hardware for the project. As mentioned before, we got help from Peter Bäcklund at FUSE with finishing the CAD-model of the turtle-shaped hardware. I therefore started this time period by attending a meeting with him to discuss and finish the last few details of the model, and thereafter got help to start off with the 3D-printers. We decided to use the Ultimaker printers and I got an introduction on how to use them.

After the introduction I started the 3D-printing process which took about 40h in total. The prints turned out good and I continued by taking away support materials and attached screwing-mechanism, both to secure the raspberry from moving, but also to prevent the lid from falling off. When the hardware was functional I went to buy spray-paint and painted it - to look more appealing for the kids.

During this time, I have also booked the interview with the researcher David Rayner and prepared the questions for this interview together with Axel. On the interview-side I also emailed Annika (E-environmental) for approval and reprocessed the interview-summary according to her suggestions. In addition to this I attended the full-day group meeting/worktime yesterday where I continued and finished the Deep dive part 1.2.

Noa: Since the last lab I have taken a profile picture for the website. Researching how to program a server and use WIFI on the raspberry. Programmed the raspberry pi and a server such that the raspberry sends position and temperature automatically when powered on to a server on my laptop. I have conducted an interview with a researcher with focus on gdpr. I have tested our product outside. I have ordered a new gps, picked it up from the post office and connected it to the raspberry. Created a page “how to make it” on the website and assisted Julia with the map on the profile page. I attended group meetings to plan what we should do in the last weeks of the project.


Axel: The interview went well, good information was shared. Our joint meetings have been very successful, we have a good rapport in the group, we get along well, and have good efficiency on the tasks we are meant to do. I feel everyone is doing real good work and helping each other out. Finding academic sources do entail some issues as the industry is narrow, but with some grit it can be done.

Julia: The interview went well and what we discussed in general about the industry was similar to the other interview I did with the boat manufacturer which felt good to have confirmation about the information one gets. The photos we took at Stenpiren was a fun group activity but we had some problems with the wind. For the website we are now getting the information we need to finish it like product information about how it is made and etc.

Anne-Sofie: The interview went well. I received an answer from our Political interviewee with the changes to the text. The work with the deepdive has progressed a lot during the last week, and we should be able to finish this week. It is exciting to see it all come together.

Emil: After a lot of work trying to describe our idea, creating a sense of urgency of why there is a need to collect data and as well why a citizen scientist would like to use our product and to connect all the dots with the website and creating the TESS DNA I feel like we have come a long way of doing so. The work with the website, completely redesigning 2 times and creating 3 different websites have taken A LOT of time (invincible work) that has been very hard to keep pushing the project to its limit and where the motivation is hard to find, but I am glad I am seeing the results of it now. I believe we now have found the senco of urgency, engagement, and a need for our innovation and that we managed to construct a website that clearly illustrates it.

So, A lot of my work sincer Logbook have now been to realize the project so that it would work business wise, making a recycle plan, engagement plan, a popping and real landingpage, and to working on and polishing the groups ideas so that it would work in the reality, and I am very thankful for all the great ideas my wonderful colleges present making my job visualizing and communicate it “easier”.

I have reworked everything on the page and I hope you reading this enjoy the yellow and playful, yet clean and calming colors followed by breathtaking pictures and visualization tools on the website making scrolling the website a pleasant experience.

Hanna: For me, it feels like the project is finally starting to come together. There are a lot of things to add and continue developing, but it feels like we have a good plan. The group dynamic is really good, and we can work efficiently together and discuss issues in a progressive way. I really enjoyed the hardware-development phase, since I normally like doing a bit more practical stuff. I had no previous knowledge of CAD-modeling and 3D-printing but it was a fun experience. It felt really good to go from a half-done model to an actual hardware that we can use!

Noa: The interview went well. I learned a lot that I did not know about GDPR. I was surprised how much you are allowed to do with other people’s data after having them ticking a box for consent. I also learned that IP-addresses are considered private information, which was important to know when designing the server. The programming was fun but time consuming. I could type down all steps here but it would be very, very, very long. If you go to our website and look under “how it’s made” you will find all the tutorials which I found and followed. I looked at more tutorials but the ones linked there were the ones I found the most useful. These are some screenshots from the code I have written for the server:

I also read about the pandas library and implemented it in the code to save data to a csv-file.

I went to FUSE and soldered the new GPS to work with the raspberry.

This is how the raspberry pi looked like when plugged in for programming:

I used the OS that I installed previously to program in python with mouse and keyboard plugged into the raspberry. Pretty cool! Did not know before this project that you could do that with a raspberry.

I forgot to take pictures of the code for the GPS on the raspberry but the code below is for the client and temperature sensor. I also had to change A LOT of settings in the raspberry pi regarding GPIO ports and auto-run-scripts which was quite challenging since I had never done it before. The raspberry uses LINUX and terminal to change the settings. Which is nothing I have done before and not beginner-friendly. Changing settings with command in the terminal like:

sudo nano .bashcs is nothing like going into the settings on your phone…

I also made our own guide (the “How to make it” page). I helped Julia with the website and created a prototype on the profile page. A map with data points so that users can follow their contributed data. I helped Emil design the “choose your TESS” page. I tried generating AI images of children building our sensor with Microsoft “image creator” but the pictures did not quite live up to the quality we wanted. Regardless, the tool was quite impressive, just not quite good enough. - powered by Dall-E.

Here are some pictures of my work on the website:

I spent most time researching how to write the code and I went through a lot of trial-and-error. Some code ideas I found on the internet did not work at all. I'm glad that it finally works. It can still be massively improved though. The server is hosted locally on my laptop but it is really quite just a temporary prototype solution. If this is going to be done for real, I will need other code for the server. But I am an IT-person really so it is too hard for me to implement with the amount of time that we have left. We have to prioritize the pitch and conference.


Now we need to:

  • Make second pitch and a power-point

  • A pitch-video for the website

  • Finish the deepdive

  • Make a poster for the conference

  • Finish the product completely

  • Finish the website

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