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Let’s Dive Deeper - the Motor Boat Industry

Climate Change, Weather, and Ecosystems all affect life on earth. To secure the survival of vital marine species living in our precious oceans and coasts we have to take action into our own hands. We must reverse the declining state of the oceans now.


To counteract the problem with the declining state of the ocean we have chosen to enlist the help from citizen scientists, with our main target group beeing motor boat owners. Everyone is of course welcome to join in, regardless of whether one has a motorboat or not.

Industry knowledge and understanding are essential for finding solutions. That is one main reason why we created the Deepdive.


The first part of the Deepdive aims to map out the industry as a whole, encompassing both micro and macro factors. The focus is on identifying stakeholders and customers among others, as well as understanding what value means for the specific industry. Furthermore, the Deepdive examines how external factors impact the industry such as sustainability, environmental issues and disruptive technologies. 


The Deepdive then takes another direction, from the initial informative structure to a more analytical PESTEL analysis. In this part of the Deepdive you learn more about the different forces in a PESTEL analysis - Political, Economic, Sociological, Technological, Environmental & Legal, and how they affect the surrounding macro environment around the motorboat industry. The making process of the PESTEL analysis consisted of combining academic research in the area with information acquired in conducted interviews. 


The interviewees were specifically chosen to contribute with sought-after knowledge within the field. Several experts can be found among the interviewees. Interviews included individuals such as an Analyst at the Marine Environment Unit, the CO-owner at Sandviks Marina AB, Head of Legal & Chief of Security at the Ocean Authority and The Director of Water Conservation. All interviewees provided interesting knowledge regarding both the actual situation as well as the upcoming future, creating incentives and inspiring us, and hopefully you as well, to make a difference.


Based on the analysis, the industry is experiencing a notable transition, regarding environmental and technological development. However, it is evident that this shift tends to be somewhat slow-moving compared to other industries, such as the automotive industry. An interesting factor highlighted in the analysis in connection to this is the sociological aspect and the significant impact of customer behavior on the market. Two intriguing examples that were brought up include the concept of a shift towards the sharing economy and the challenges associated with developing and incentivizing more environmentally friendly solutions. This is because currently these solutions may not always align with what customers perceive as value in the industry.


To visualize and clarify the gathered information from previous parts of the DeepDive, an impact-uncertainty matrix was created. The matrix aims to identify the positive and negative factors that may influence the industry in the upcoming years. Regarding the matrix it is important to take in to acknowledgement that the evaluation is made based on our own interpretations of collected information. 

In the following scenario matrix the most influential factors are further investigated and summarized. 


In order to make significant progress and well designed countermeasures we need to know the challenges of the industry. The Deepdive is of high importance because it guided us on the right path to create a product that will be part of collecting data which will then be used by scientists on the journey to aid the oceans. 


Please join us on our journey to save the ocean, one degree at a time. 

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