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Children in Science Class

What is a
Citizen Scie

Why You Should Become One!


The Ocean Needs You!

Scientists lack sufficient data from the coastal areas. Data that is needed to learn what must be done in order to help the ocean continue to thrive. This is where you come in, the prospect citizen scientist.

A citizen scientist can be anybody willing to contribute to reduce the information gap.
For the marine environment, your ability to make a positive impact as a citizen scientist is large. The scientists are limited by human resource capacity for the vast ocean, and all data that can be collected is necessary for both scientist but also politicians to make well informed decisions for future endeavours.


Cooperation is the only way forward to mitigate the risks of climate change, and you are needed!

How The Citizen Scientist Data Will Be Used

Data collection from non-professionals have a long history, ranging from astronomical discoveries by amateurs to discovering new chemical products. Many of these random citizen discoveries have led to the betterment of the world.

This historic trend needs to continue. The data that you as a citizen scientist collect will be sent to a team of researchers at SMHI.

The data will then be part of mapping the global and local ocean and coastal area temperatures. This will then form a baseline of knowledge for the policy makers and researchers who contribute to well informed decisions and countermeasures.


One Degree at a Time!

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