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Logbook 6

LAB OBJECTIVES We hope to create a good cooperation with Universeum concerning the product, and that we can utilize the feedback our pitch got to improve our product.


  • Continue working on the sensor (Noa)

  • Conduct the last interviews (Emil, Axel,Hanna …)

  • Continue working with the hardware (Emil, Hanna)

  • Continue working on the webpage (Axel, Julia, Emil)

  • Continue working on the Deep Dive (Anne-Sofie, Hanna)


Anne-Sofie: Since the last lab logbook I participated in the first pitch together with the rest of the group via zoom. I have been to Fuse Lab together with Noa to help him connect all the wires to the sensor and plate (I’m not sure what the process we did is called but I think it is “solder”. In Swedish it is called “löda”). It was fun to see it all come together. We connected both the temperature measurer and the GPS, but unfortunately the GPS looked like it had already been used by someone else. Later on I started writing on the deep dive which will later go on the webpage. Today I participated in a group meeting. We cleared the air and it feels a bit better now.

Axel: Worked on the website with Julia, developed the citizen science webpage and the partner site. Had the First pitch, booked an interview with a “legal” person for the PESTEL. Went to Universeum for a development meeting. I had a meeting after that Universeum meeting. Had a meeting on the 4th of May. Read all the info on the canvas page regarding citizen science and wrote down a page for it on the website, a manuscript. Developed the website further.

Emil: Since the last pitch I created the logotype of (TESS | turtle) and created an powerpoint that really feels like us. I also learnt adobe and inkscape to develop an 2d model of our finished product. Additionally I sketched an concept image of the finished product in both components and assembled to clearly visualize our innovation during the first pitch. I also after this participated in the first pitch. I also participated in a CAD-tutorial session together with Hanna held by Peter Bäckgren from Fuse. During the meeting we discussed how the model should look, and function. Further investigating and creating my own models in Tinkercad and Fusion 360 I, together with Hanna and the group did come to an conclusion that the model we did create together with Peter were the best one - specifically in functionality. It was hard to create different levels within the turtle and Peter really helped us in that department. I also did attend the meeting at Universeum and pitched our idea together with the group.

Hanna: Started off this period with conducting the E - environmental interview and thereafter participated in the first pitch together with the rest of the group. Later I participated in a CAD-tutorial session together with Emil held by Peter Bäckgren from FUSE. We discussed how we wanted our 3D design to look and got tips about how to create a design that can hold all parts and also how to make the design waterproof. We firstly decided for us to start designing our model ourselves, but due to the difficulty and many factors to consider such as minimizing overhang, how well the printers can do specific forms and designs we booked a second meeting with Peter to get help to further develop the model. We learned the basics from the two different programs (Fusion360 and Thinkedcad) but then got the expert help that we needed to actually perform a model of use. I also continued with going on helping Anne-Sofie with the deep-dive part 1.2. I started brainstorming and created a powerpoint including a list of factors and a matrix to later fill in the different factors that impact the industry. To finish this part we need a follow-up group meeting for further brainstorming the impact factors.

Julia: Me and Axel worked on the website where I did a blog posts site to put all of the logbooks we have done in the project. We also did the partners website where we put all the different partners and sponsors and a description of what the different organizations do. We also had the first pitch with the group on zoom. I have also done the bottom of the website and the product page where we will not sell boxes of the sensor based on age but instead based on difficulty hence to programming and hardware.

Noa: Since last lab I have soldered the components (GPS and temperature + resistor) onto a PCB card and written python code to get a temperature read from the sensor. I mostly followed youtube videos and blogs I found on the internet. I also attended the first pitch presentations. Went to Universeum for a development meeting. Visited Revere to talk about the GPS module.


Anne-Sofie: I think the first pitch went okay, but I think it would have been better to have it in a classroom than on zoom. Issue with zoom is that you very easily lose focus and start thinking about something else. Me and Noa succeeded in connecting all the cables in the correct way, but as we predicted, the GPS didn’t work when Noa tried the sensor, but the good news is that the temperature seemed to be collected correctly. It feels nice to finally have started writing the Deep Dive, but it is hard to find reliable sources and sources in general regarding information that can be useful to conduct a deep dive on the motor boat industry…

Axel: The first pitch went well, we received good feedback that we will use. The meeting with Universeum went well, much new information was given, and good cooperation was made. The website development was successful, we made good progress on several pages that brought us closer to a final result. The understanding of citizen science was furthered.

Emil: The first pitch went good, and we received useful feedback to further develop our innovation for the better. I am really proud of the logo and look at our powerpoint - and it feels like we have found our look, aesthetically. The CAD model we created is really clever, packing all that electronics in the turtle box - which is very fun that it seems to be working out design wise. It was very insightful to learn to use both 2d program inkscape and adobe to draw concept images and create logotypes. Additionally it was very challenging yet fun to learn 3d programs like tinkercad and fusion 360. To perfect those crafts, more practice is needed but I now know in rough edged how to create a finished product in CAD.

The meeting with Universeum gave much valuable insight in the engagement part of the product, and great ideas of how to enable users to track their data even though we did have different agendas with the meeting since we were searching for a partner and they would be more likely to cooperate with the entire course.

Hanna: The first pitch went really well and I really appreciate the work that Emil did with our powerpoint. It was fun to read and hear the critics about our project so far, which gave us a few points to continue to take in consideration. I enjoyed learning a bit about CAD-modeling but it was quite tricky with a lot of functions that took a while to recognise. It feels good that we almost have a finished model and I look forward to starting 3D printing next week.

Julia: On the website we are taking step by step but some are really coming together. The first pitch went well with no major comments.

Noa: First pitch was a success, I thought it would be messy having everyone speaking but it turned out to work quite well! It was fun hearing everyone else's pitch and it felt relieving to hear that other people also were struggling to get going with the project. So far, it has been fun but hard to know what to do. Having free rein is fun and exciting but also makes the project really slow. I think the interviews have been given too much space and made the project slow in the start and I don’t find them important for the rest of our project. But now they have mostly been taken care of and I can focus more on the sensor, which I find very interesting and fun.

The Univereum meeting… We discussed our ideas and I think we had other objectives than Universeum regarding the outcome of the meeting but I think both parts were satisfied at the end of it. They kinda wanted to be a part of the entire school project whilst we only wanted to partner up with them developing only our own sensor.

The soldering went OK. It was quite tricky and we were lucky I had done it before so the learning curve was not too steep. The temperature sensor worked fine but the GPS sensor… well… For some reason Amazon sent us A USED SENSOR, which was completely destroyed and did not even start… Sigh.. well, I am considering either ordering a new one or calling Revere to see if they have any spare GPS. 2 days after I wrote this I went to Revere. No person involved in the project was there, but I got contact information to whom I should talk to. I am now waiting for their response and have begun programming the communication-part of the raspberry pi.


  • Complete the Deep Dive

  • Complete the remaining interviews

  • Learning how to set up a server and sending data from the raspberry to it

  • Dealing with the GPS issue

  • 3D print our turtle-shaped hardware

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