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Logbook 4

Updated: May 24, 2023


During this lab we talked to Robin, and fully decided on which sensor we are going to build - A temperature sensor targeted at children willing to engage in technology. We discussed what will be done this week and what important tasks we have ahead.


  • Start developing a 3d product, and design a fish that will carry our raspberry Pi.

  • Order pieces for the temperature meter

  • Continue developing the webpage


Anne-Sofie: During the latest lab I attended a coaching session with Robin and the rest of the group. We decided together on the temperature sensor. I participated in the group discussion about what will be our next steps in the process and our concern about reaching out to people without getting any response. We will continue trying until we find our last interviewees. I sent an email to, our Political interviewee asking if she could help us find someone “Legal” to interview.

Axel: Participated in the joint meeting with Robin, and had a meeting afterwards where we discussed what will be done this week, a more rigid planning of the future of the project. I sent out an email to Robin that will be forwarded to Universeum regarding a meeting with idea spitballing. I sent out further emails to get contact with a legal expert. We discussed production techniques, and the design of the product, how it shall look and function. Julia and I started designing the webpage, and made a document with the ideas we have when designing it forwards.

Emil: I participated in the meeting with Robin, discussing the switch to temperature sensor instead of salinity sensor. We presented the incentives we found for the citizens to use our invention! I emailed Xshore again trying to book a day of the interview and wait for him to answer. I have also tried to call Rickard Arvidsson in the sustainability department at Chalmers and he has contacted me trying to find an appropriate researcher for us. Me, together with the group did pitch some ideas of the sensor, and found some possible solutions of the sensor and how it should look. I, together with the group presented the idea for us to contact Universeum for them to enrich us with valuable ideas for us to make our product child-friendly.

Hanna: Since the last lab I have contacted the interviewee related to the E in the PESTEL-analysis. Due to a business trip this interview is scheduled for the end of week 16. I also participated in the meeting with Robin, discussing our idea where we want to engage children in technology by creating an easy, appealing product. We also talked about our idea of including Universeum to the project, since one of their missions is to engage children to work with their hands and to create different technological solutions. During the end of the lab I created an initial picture/sketch of one way (the primary idea right now) to build our sensor in order to make it waterproof for the Raspberry Pi and to secure the depth for where the measuring takes place.

Julia: Since the last logbook I have not done much due to personal attending. The little I have done is looking at the website and talked to the team about how it went at the coaching session with Robin to keep me updated on what has been considered and decided.

Noa: Since last session I have once again tried contacting SweBoat for a time for our interview. I have read the data sheet for the DS18B20 temperature sensor. I also found the sensor on Amazon and have prepared an order for a sensor and the needed accessories. I have discussed possible solutions and idéas for a concept to engage children in our data collection. We also discussed the use of 3D-printers and I helped with the design of the website. I provided some technical insights and innovations for our physical product.


Anne-Sofie: After this session I feel that things seem more clear and my questions were answered.

Axel: The meeting with Robin and the meeting with the group went well, we progressed a lot and came closer to a final idea about the design and production of the product with our target group and the incentive we need to pitch. There are some challenges, if we can produce a watertight product and some other possible bumps in the road, but if we discuss it further together and go by trial and error we will make good progress.

Emil: The meeting with robin, presenting our new direction really made the project “click”. The group now has a direction, and we can now all together go forward from here. We have been very persistent trying to find incentives for the citizens to use our product, and where we after today really think we find incentives that we believe in. After getting in contact with Rickard and Xshore, I feel that the interview situation really starts to accelerate in the right direction, which is very fun! Now after we found what our product should be – focus on kids and the future citizen scientists, there are still some problems we need to figure out, like making the sensor waterproof.

Hanna: I have a great feeling after today’s meeting with Robin and the group. It feels that we really found the incentives that we strived for, which makes the upcoming work much more fun. I really like that we landed in having children as our primary target, since it enables us to think easy and creative, but also since it feels meaningful to engage children in both the technology and the marine life. It feels that this is part of what leading in a digital world is all about and I look forward to continuing working with the group.

Julia: When I looked in to the website i realized it may be a lot of work due to it is hard to know exactly what needs to be on it and at the same time have a good and attractive layout.

Noa: Contacting interviewees has only resulted in “we want to help” but they seem to not answer my emails anymore. I am considering going back to båtliv and trying to get the original person to interview. Reading the data sheet gave me information on how to use the sensor. I learned that at our operating degrees. 4-20 degrees celsius. The sensor has a mean deviation of 0.2 degrees. It needs a 4.7k Ohm resistor to not break. This information will be useful when we are going to build the sensor and when we are going to do data processing. I provided the group with three companies who have a similar business idea to our concept. Kiwi CO, curiosity box and tinkerbox. This was for inspiration on how our website could look like. Axel said that we could attach the product to the boat reiling and I came with the idea to use velcro, to make sure it works for all sizes of reiling.


Our next steps will hopefully be to find our three missing interviewees (economic, legal and the researcher). This week we hope to start building our sensor physically, and further progress the design and production of the “fish” and programming of the Raspberry Pi.


We briefly started talking about how exactly we wanted to measure the temperature and how we are going to solve this technically. Hanna attached a sketch of one of our ideas, to build/3D print fish to hide all equipment. One fish to go in the water, and another one to be kept on the boat with all the parts inside, for example the raspberry pie.

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