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Logbook 5

Updated: Apr 28, 2023


We created a power-point and a pitch that will be used on monday for our first initial pitch. We hope to inspire some interest in our project, and that the objective we have is clear.


Anne-Sofie & Julia made the text for the initial pitch Emil and Hanna will meet with FUSE to discuss design of the product. Axel & Julia will continue to develop the webpage Noa continue to order and build the sensor


Anne-Sofie: Since last time I have mainly worked on the first pitch. I also visited fuse lab and gained access to the rooms we will use. I participated in group discussions regarding the website and attended all group meetings. We worked together on the power point slides and then rehearsed the first pitch which will be held on monday together. We regularly talk about how it’s going for everyone in the group.

Axel: I took time to further develop the website, completed more sections of it and discussed with the group some layout and design ideas. I created an email for our group and product called We had 2-3 meetings during this time, me and Julia had one for website development, and the entire group had two meetings, one with Robin where we discussed the product and a meeting at Universeum regarding the development of the product. We then conducted a meeting for the first initial pitch, to create a ppt, and a script of what should be said.

I continuously tried to contact a legal person, but to no avail. I keep sending emails to get contact for the interview. Contacted Robin and Universeum, and booked a meeting for next friday.

Emil: Since last time, I have looked more into how the Cad models work, and which program that we are goin to use for our CAD model. I have also learnt Prusaslicer, attending an intro course with T-RAX → so that we can start working with the 3d print system. I, together with Hanna, booked Peter at fuse lab to assist us in the CAD modeling for our turtle. I have also made research on how to perform a pitch to investors to understand how a pitch should be like. I have also with Julia and Anne-sofie constructed the pitch we are going to present at the first pitch class. I have also contacted Rickard, further investigating wich researchers at Chalmers that we are going to interview. I also together with the group constructed the PP for the first pitch.

Hanna: Since last time, I have investigated more about how to create our CAD-model as the hardware of the product. Our group has no previous knowledge of CAD so we decided to look around for someone to help us with creating a functioning model. We decided to ask at FUSE and booked a meeting with Peter, who will help us with this part on the 25th of april. I also attended an introduction to 3D-printing held by a student worker from T-rax, together with Emil, Noa, Peter and Kjell. Furthermore, I attended our meeting about the second pitch, where we created a PPT and rehearsed what to say.

Julia: This week I have developed more on the website, specifically done the page with our team and how that page should look. We have had a meeting with the whole group where we decided who should have the responsibility to create the hardware.Me, Anne-Sofie and Emil wrote the pitch which will be held by the whole group on monday. Today (21/4) we as a group finished the powerpoint presentation.

Noa: I participated in group meetings, helped with the pitch and presentation slides. I helped get access to the FUSE lab by going there talking with the people at FUSE. I also attended an introduction presentation for the FUSE 3D-printers, downloading needed programs for CAD. I picked up the ordered temperature sensor and I am prepared to solder them to a PCB card next week.


Anne-Sofie: I like that we have a lot of meetings, because I always know how it’s going for my group members and you get the feeling that we are moving forward. I didn’t get any answer to my last email regarding one of our interviews. It concerns me that it is difficult to get in contact with different people who we would like to interview.

Axel: All of these meetings went well, we have a good group constellation where we can challenge each other and get to good insights together. We had some issues regarding the layout of the product itself, the turtle, how it can be CADded and then 3D-Printed, but joint discussions and help from FUSE aided us to get closer to the end product

Emil: We have a plan, and somewhere to start now which is very positive. CAD and the 3d printing software is hard to get right and takes some learning to achieve great results since it is a lot to think about while developing our prototype – how water secure it needs to be etc. With the help from FUSE lab, CAD and 3d printing will go smoothly. The project is going great, all members of the group seem to have a clear understanding of where the project is heading.

Hanna: The part with the hardware (turtle-3D-printing) is a bit tricky since no one in the group has any previous knowledge in CAD-modeling. This was an issue for us at first, since we had no idea how to tackle this problem ourselves. After our meeting with Peter at FUSE where we booked a time with him, it feels a lot better. I feel great about how our project is proceeding, where it feels that all members are active and have a clear vision about how we want the outcome of our idea.

Julia: It is still difficult with the website because one can make it in a hundred ways but there are some baby steps. The pitch was somehow kind of easy to write because it feels like we have a clear idea and goal with our sensor like it is a winning concept even if not everything is done.

Noa: Getting access to FUSE will make us able to solder and create our product. Attending the 3D-printing presentation enables us to use the 3D-printers at FUSE and minimizes the risk of spending time on failed 3D-prints. I thought the presentation was really helpful and I got more excited to be working with the printers.


  • Take a group photo

  • Make the first pitch

  • Meet with Universeum

  • Attend interview with E - environmental, 22/4 at 18:00

  • Webpage development

  • CAD/3D print

  • Solder parts onto PCB

  • Deep Dive started

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