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Logbook 3

Updated: Apr 26, 2023


During the lab different group members will conduct different activities. Some will focus on preparing interviews while others will conduct interviews. Some will also start to look into the next parts (website, sensor) just to get started.


  • Preparing interviews

  • Conducting interviews

  • Summarize interviews

  • Starting of with the website

  • Starting of with programming the raspberry PI


Axel: Since the last lab/logbook, I conducted an interview with P, political with Anne-Sofie. I also tried to contact and book an interview with our L, that has been unresponsive for a few days. I prepared another questionnaire for the next interview. I also booked myself for the task of designing the website. Me and Julia started making the website, its layout and what will be included in it.

Anne-Sofie: In the last two days I conducted an Interview (political) for our pestel analysis together with Axel. We prepared our final questions, decided who was going to ask the questions and who was going to write the answers and had a small meeting before our interviewee joined the meeting.

The group decided that I will be in charge of completing the PESTEL analysis which will later go on the website, i.e. collecting relevant information from all interviews, relevant articles and ensure that the requested parts are included.

Emil: In the last two days I contacted Ana again. I also tried to contact Torsten and Mafalda in Slack to discuss salinity and temperature. I also further researched environmental letter in the PESTEL. Writing questions for the Environment interview questions. I have also tried to contact more researchers at Chalmers and RISE.

Hanna: Since the last logbook was only two days ago, I have only done a few activities. There are two main things that I have done: preparing questions for the E (environmental) interview together with Emil and summarizing the interview with the boat manufacturer together with Julia.

Julia: Since last time it has only been two days so I have not been able to do much. I have prepared for the economics interview which will probably be held next week. I have also summarized the interview with the boat manufacturer and started looking at a website with Axel.

Noa: Since last session I installed OS on the raspberry pi. I contacted the SweBoat CEO to set a time for the interview.


Axel: The interview went well, we had good cooperation. There were some issues regarding what questions would be optimal for each, as some roles are sort of intertwined. Some roles aren’t solemnly one single role, which made it difficult to optimize the pre-written questions. That is why a semi-conducted interview will be useful.

Anne-Sofie: The interview was good and we learned a lot of new things and got new interesting perspectives. Since it was my first interview it could have gone better seen from my perspective, but I am happy to get this opportunity and hopefully will be more comfortable and feel more prepared for next time.

Emil: The making of the questions for the environmental interview and the research of it gave me further insight. My conversation with Torsten gave me valuable insights in pros and cons of our choice of measurement.

Hanna: The work went well and the outcome was good. It was a bit difficult to prepare questions for the E-interview since the area about marine/water environment is big. We wanted to cover as much as possible about it, but we needed to write the questions in a quite specific manner to keep the interview within the decided time limit.

Julia: All the parts went well. It is hard to know if the questions prepared will get us the answers we need to get a good picture of the boat industry. The website feels a bit hard to start with because it is in the beginning and we do not know how we want it to look like.

Noa: The OS was installed and should work. Did not find a HDMI cable so could not get a picture to my computer screen. I did however find a way to power the raspberry wirelessly with a powerbank. The CEO has not responded to my email. I was supposed to send in this log book, but I forgot to do it in time :)


We will continue to develop the website, finish the last few interviews and understand/program the raspberry Pi. We will be moving into more specialized areas of this project, and intensify our meeting and coaching sessions. We booked a meeting on monday with Robin, where we can ask questions that have popped up since our last lab. Before our next lab, we will also need to firmly decide what our device will measure. We are choosing between two, and need to finally decide.

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