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Logbook 2

Updated: Apr 26, 2023


During today’s lab 12/4 our main goal is to attend the two obligatory sessions, at Revere Lab and the coaching sessions. Furthermore we want to familiarize ourselves with the box content that we received.


  • PESTEL-analysis

  • Deep-dive

  • Booking interviews

  • Writing questions for interviews

  • Researched industry issues

  • Conducted 2 interviews


Axel: Since our last log book, I have conducted an interview for the PESTEL, with the S, social factor. I also booked a second interview with the P, political expert. I am in contact with a L, legal, but haven’t yet booked a date for the interview. Beyond this, I participated in writing and recording the initial pitch video that was posted on Canvas. I have participated in discussions and meetings with the group, where we discussed next steps and what we will do in the coming period. I also made an interview basis to utilize during interviews. Researched certain information regarding information that came from the interview, and in a joint meeting discussed the name and use of our salinity measurer.

Anne-Sofie: Since the last meeting, I have started looking into the PESTEL analysis and the instructions document belonging to this called “Challenge Industry Deep Dive_update”. I have prepared for my first interview by reading about politics related to our subject. I attended the group meeting 10/4 on zoom where we talked about what we wanted to say in our first pitch and what we wanted to write in the Initial Idea Worksheet. Yesterday, 11/4, I completed and then recorded and submitted the first pitch together with Emil and Axel. Today, 12/4, I visited the revere lab on Lindholmen and received our package, and then went to the coaching session together with my group.

Emil: Since the last lab meeting I have conducted a PESTEL analysis, to further understand the industry of our choice. I have tried to get in touch with Ana, the guest lecturer without success. Since the last lab meeting I have tried to get in touch with the sustainability department on Chalmers, to further get in touch with an appropriate Researcher at Chalmers. During the zoom meeting 10/04/2023, which I attended, we discussed what we should say during the pitch that was supposed to be submitted 11/04/2023. 11/04/2023 I, together with 2 others in the group, did record the pitch that we submitted after the recording. I have further researched the environmental letter.

Hanna: Since our last logbook, I have prepared and conducted an interview with a boat manufacturer together with Julia. This interview was related to the T in the PESTEL-analysis. I have also done a bigger research about the environmental part of the industry to prepare myself for the interview related to the E in PESTEL. I have been in contact with the person we are about to interview who suggested we look into some specific information before writing our questions, to enable us to get more relevant information. I have also been a part of completing the worksheet.

Julia: Since last time me and Hanna had an interview with a boat manufacturer according to the T in the PESTEL-analysis. We as a group also had a meeting about the pitch which we handed in. In the pitch I wrote the worksheet. I have also done some administrative work like making a schedule and structuring our workspace in google drive.

Noa: Since last session I have been in contact with the editor in chief at Båtliv, trying to get an interview. He accepted but later gave me the contact card for the CEO of SweBoat. I contacted him and he wanted to have an interview. I prepared some questions for this interview, the main focus will be the economic perspective in the motorboat industry. I did some research for different raspberry pi models and found that the Zero W model was the most cost effective with low-power mode and built in Bluetooth. I did some further research for different components compatible with raspberry and how they work.


Axel: The interview went well, the basis of the interview guide that was made was well suited for the task. I found some interesting facts that I could then research extra. Issues were some lack in understanding of certain industry issues, but those were explained well and were researched further afterwards. Another issue is the booking of interviews with people who are busy. Being able to find time to conduct interviews with experts is difficult, but is eventually going to end well.

Anne-Sofie: I still feel a bit uncertain when it comes to the task and is still discovering and understanding more each day. I found the PESTEL analysis to be interesting, and I also feel inspired after hearing about the first interviews my group members completed.

Emil: After the PESTEL analysis that I constructed, I got a clear understanding of the industry and made the task morte clear. In my efforts to contact Chalmers researchers and the guest lecturer, it appears that it is not as easy as one would think to get in contact with relevant people.

Hanna: Our interview with the boat manufacturer went surprisingly well and the two persons interviewed gave us a lot of great tips for our upcoming work. I learned a lot about the boat industry and the difficulties they meet in developing new/different technologies.

Julia: The interview with the boat manufacturer went really well and they were nice and also interested in our work which I did not expect. I found that the boat industry has not developed so much in the last 10 years.

Noa: The result of my conversation with båtliv resulted in us getting a really good contact for the E in our PESTEL analysis. The research for the optimal raspberry pi turned out to not be necessary because at the Revere lab visit we were given a raspberry pi 3. At least I am now familiar with the pros and cons of using different raspberries, and I know how to connect the sensors and program them. My questions will make the interview more prepared.


Our next step in the process is to complete all interviews and prepare all the questions.

We will need to contact a few more experts, and book the last few interviews to be fully done with that part. We will also indulge ourselves in further research and knowledge about the industry. We will decide a date where we should be 100% decided on what we will measure, we are currently choosing between two, salinity or temperature. After all the interviews are completed it’s time to also fully complete the PESTEL analysis which will then go on the website.

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