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Final Logbook


For the final logbook we have completed the second pitch and now prepared to hand in everything for the project. The Deepdive is now done with all the information. We have done a commercial for the website and an instruction movie to show how one can assemble TESS. We recorded the assembly-video, and recorded sound with a written manuscript for the commercial. We have also done a poster for the conference on Monday 29th, and an informative mini-poster. Our hope is now to be completely done for the mini-conference on Monday.


Julia: I have participated in all of the group meetings where we now worked more closely together so that everything is correct and that the product and concept as whole is uniformly. My major work this labtime is still the website and putting everything in there like some programming links to the assemble TESS site and upload logbooks, deepdive, posters and power points etc. I have also filmed clips to the commercial with TESS on a boat to show how to use TESS. I have also corrected some parts in the deepdive like the technical interview so that everything is correct according to the interviewee.

Emil: I have participated in all group meetings and worked in workshops together. My primary objectives were the poster and further website development such as design and functionality for my data, deepdive and landing page and also working out layouts and making sure that everything that we want is up there! Since the last logbook I, together with the group, redesigned parts of the landing page to even better fit our mission educating the future citizen scientist. I also created subtitles for the marketing video we have on our landing page in Imovie frame by frame and put it on the website. Other than this, I have helped the group members with various smaller tasks during our workshops.

Hanna: I have participated in all of the group meetings, where our focus has been on wrapping up all of the remaining assignments. My primary objectives were the Deep dive and the pitch/commercial movie for the website. The Deep dive was completed by adding content as well as reading through and editing different parts, such as the interviews, to make them in accordance with approval from the interviewees. Together with Anne-Sofie, I also wrote the 600 word Deep dive summary for the website. The commercial video was also one of my tasks, which was further developed together with Noa, and thereafter filmed together with the group. In addition to these task I have also helped the group with other smaller various tasks, such as redesign parts of the landing page, discuss the poster and final powerpoint

Axel: I participated in all group meetings where we all collaborated and discussed every part/aspect of our project and put the finishing touch on most parts. My primary objective was writing paragraphs for the deepdive, and fixing all references for the deepdive according to Harvard style referencing. I Redesigned and printed the poster, discussed the webpage development and content. Finished the drilling and painting of the bobber. Wrote a paragraph of FAIR data. Practiced the pitch, conducted the pitch, wrote feedback on the other groups. Filmed instruction video for the assembly of our product, spoke parts of the manuscript for the commercial. Read through all texts on our webpage to find spelling errors and restructure some sentence building. Wrote a short paragraph on citizen science to entice further interest/reading.

Anne-Sofie: During the last week of the course, I participated in all group meetings. We have discussed a lot of details about how we want our final delivery. I finally finished writing the Deepdive with the help of my group members. I helped design the powerpoint for our second pitch and wrote the manuscript. I wrote the summary of the Deepdive together with Hanna. Later this week I went to fuse lab together with the rest of the group to record voices for our 3 minute video. I made some changes from the second powerpoint to the one we are going to use at the conference. I was involved with designing the poster.

Noa: I have attended all group meetings. Did work on the poster. Discussed the pricing model of TESS SIMPLE and TESS PRO. Collected receipts and prepared the Drive documents. Made a commercial/pitch movie; manuscript, filming and editing. Made an assemble video; editing and helped with the recording. Created a file and table on Ola’s webserver (But we will still primarily use our own server). Put up the python files on our website. Tested the Raspberry to make sure it works at the conference. Created a cardboard-stand to be used for our poster.


Julia: There are some parts left before monday which I think we will put together but it feels like there are some small parts left which one hopes one does not forget. Overall I think the group has done an amazing job with this project and we have really worked hard to put the sensor and the concept of TESS together. Now we are all looking in to our different parts in the project that one has not worked with so much during the project which is good because then we can get everything right.

Emil: During this last period since the last logbook we have really been putting all the pieces together, which has been very fun to see it all coming together. Since my focus shifted towards the design and functionality of the website and the poster I have really come to an understanding that creative work takes a lot of time and effort, and there is sometimes a creative drought! It is very good to get this insight, and learn how to handle it. I am very proud of the group's achievement and everyone's work has been outstanding. With almost everything coming together, we have some pitch practice and minor fixes on the website left to do, but other than that the project is really coming together now.

Hanna: To start off the last reflection, I would like to say that the group has done an awesome job and I personally could not be happier than I am with the group dynamic and work ethic that has been there during the whole project. The tasks that have been carried out the last week have been fun to do since they are all connected to putting the project together. After each working hour, you could really see the difference made, which was a great feeling.

We have a couple of minor tasks to complete before the conference on monday, such as rehearsing our pitch together and fixing minor spelling/grammar/picture mistakes on the website before the final deadline.

Axel: Everything that has been done together went well, we converged on some adjustments for major parts of the project. I feel the individual parts went well. Much time has been spent this final week. Polishing and finishing the final steps. There are some things left to do, but what needs to be done is clear, and who shall do it and when is also clear.

Anne-Sofie: I think the work this week went smoothly. We work very well with each other now and help each other a lot. I think the design of the powerpoint, and the layout of the final pitch is great. I also believe the Deepdive turned out to be more interesting and more worth reading compared to what I thought for only a few weeks back.

There are some small things left to be done until monday, but we will get it done in time! I am proud of what we have accomplished in this short amount of time. I am grateful for this opportunity, my group and my individual performance. I get to enjoy everything that my group members have accomplished, and we now take the time to complement each other on the good work.

Noa: The group meetings have been very successful. We have agreed on most subjects and if not, we made it work in such a way that everyone was pleased. I am happy that I and everyone else are proud and satisfied with the quality and outcome of our work. The poster is looking amazing and the commercial is OK. It was really hard to make and I now understand why companies hire PR-firms. With absolute 0 knowledge in filmmaking I think it turned out better than expected, even though it is kinda unsatisfying hearing your own voice. The creative work on the poster, website and in the films takes a lot of effort and time to make good. But I am very impressed by myself and the rest of the group. It is starting to look very professional.

The pricing model was quite hard to figure out. It naturally feels like a PRO model should be more expensive but in our case the PRO model means you have to build it yourself and put more time into the building. At the same time, we figured that it is the experience you are paying for. Following our tutorials and having fun building TESS. Therefore we felt that the PRO should cost more, but not a lot more. In the prototype we used model 3B+ but it is unnecessarily expensive and offers more functions than we need. We therefore argued that the “real” product would instead use a pico w which costs 80 kr instead of 800 kr. This results in a reasonable price for a family to pay. Lowering the cost from 1400 kr to 699 kr. Furthermore, we have introduced a recycling programme which potentially can lower the costs and prices of TESS.

Ola’s tutorial was OK but it was hard to apply to our solution. The web server should have been up earlier and I did not think that there would even be a server to begin with, because of the delay of the announcement, so I created my own server (as described in previous logbooks). We will be able to provide live feed on the 29th through my laptop and server and I also uploaded a file on Ola’s server with freezed data from the 15th of may. It was easier than expected to upload the data but with no experience in HTML… It looks aesthetically awful. But it is an alright prototype to just have the data on Ola’s server. I have also made the data downloadable on our website under “my data”.

Putting the files on the website was easy. The only obstacle was that I could not upload a .py file on the wix website but after compressing it to a .zip wix allowed it to be uploaded.

I think our group has had an extraordinary sprint the last two weeks and everything has come together really nicely. I am proud of us and our work. We have had great teamwork and helped each other every step of the way!


Attend the miniconference, present our product and perform what we agreed upon.

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